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The Tanzania Human Rights Report 2018: Policies to Protect Children’s Rights

Submitted by Web Master on 11 July 2019

The Government of Tanzania has made commitments to provide and safeguard human rights such as the ratification of several core human rights conventions as well as put in place national policies favoring a human rights-based approach to development but there are challenges in concretizing them in practice. When it comes to children’s rights, enforcement also seems to be a shortfall.

World vision Tanzania

Submitted by Web Master on 11 March 2021

Tanzania has experienced significant economic growth over the last decade. Although the poverty rate in the country has declined, the absolute number of poor has not because of the high population growth rate. As a result, children still face many challenges including violence, malnutrition, poor healthcare and education and other basic services.

Save the Children-Tanzania

Submitted by Web Master on 11 March 2021

Save the Children began working in Tanzania in 1986. Today, we are a leading charity for children across the country.

We help children in Tanzania by working closely with communities at the local level and advocating for change at the national level. Through programs in child survival, maternal and child health and nutrition, education, food security and livelihoods, child protection and emergency response, we’re working to ensure Tanzania’s children not only survive, but thrive.


A healthy Start in Life

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