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Office Closure for Holidays Season

Submitted by Web Master on 20 December 2022

Kindly be informed that Policy Forum Secretariat Office will be closed for Christmas and New Year Holidays from 21/12/2022  to 9/01/2023

May the Holidays Season bring happiness and joy to you and your family 

Policy Forum Membership Guide 2022

Submitted by Web Master on 2 December 2022

Policy Forum (PF) is a network of 60 Non- Government Organizations (NGOs) founded in 2003. Registered as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act, 2002 with registration number NGO/R2/00015. PF has diverse members that are drawn together by a specific interest in influencing policy processes to enhance poverty reduction, equity, and democratization focusing on public money accountability at both central and local levels. Its desired change is to improve service delivery through enhanced governance and accountable use of public resources.

Tanzania Report: Open Budget Survey 2021

Submitted by Web Master on 29 November 2022

The Open Budget Survey (OBS) is the world’s only independent, comparative and fact-based research instrument that uses internationally accepted criteria to assess public access to central government budget information; formal opportunities for the public to participate in the national budget process; and the role of budget oversight institutions, such as legislatures and national audit offices, in the budget process.

Transparency And Citizen Participation In Collecting And Distributing Mining Service Levies: The Case Study Of Geita And Mara

Submitted by Web Master on 25 August 2022

Tanzania’s mining sector has recently experienced tremendous changes in its legal and policy frameworks. Generally, the said reforms were aimed at ensuring that country’s natural resources benefit all Tanzanians, particularly through government revenue collection and corresponding distribution. Citizen participation is key in collecting and distributing revenues from mining operations.

Citizens' Budget Book: A simplified version of the government budget for the financial year 2022/23

Submitted by Web Master on 22 August 2022

The Citizen’s Budget booklet provides a summary of policies and plans reflected in the Government budget in a simplified form. The aim of this booklet is to increase citizen’s awareness, access to budgetary information, transparency and accountability in public finance management. The policies and plans reflected in the Government budget impact the lives of citizens and therefore it is important for them to understand and fully participate in the implementation of development plans.

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