Forum Syd, Mwanza Policy Initiative and Policy Forum organized a seminar on capital flight which was held at the Victoria Palace Hotel in Mwanza on 29th November 2011
The main aim of the seminar was to show, the amount of money leaving developing countries as illicit capital flight per year which is ten times higher than the total global foreign aid and constitutes an immense amount of loss in state income. If capital flight would stop, the Tanzanian state finances would be enough to meet the Millenium Development Goals in the country.
The seminar discussed its impact on development and what role civil society organizations can play in curbing capital flight. It showed why capital flight is a big concern to all development organizations working with rights and democracy one way or another.
The Presenters of the seminar were, Kristina Froberg, Advocacy Officer of Forum Syd who presented about capital flight in a global scale, Alex Modest Ruchyahinduru, Manager- Commmunication and Advocacy from Policy Forum who presented inrespect of Tanzania and Jimmy Luhende from MPI, who presented inrespect of the lake zone.