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The Proposed Wildife Act, 2008

Submitted by Web Master on 6 October 2008

I have read with utter shock the proposed Wildlife Act, 2008 Bill which is to be tabled by the government in parliament this November. 
The Bill seeks to legitimize, the otherwise illegal powers that have, hitherto, purportedly been exercised by the Wildlife Division. 
More shocking, are the proposed provisions to give powers to the Director of Wildlife to grant grazing permits to villagers who normally graze their cattle in game controlled areas. 

Kenyan Organisation Urges For The Suspension Of CDF

Submitted by Web Master on 12 September 2008

Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI) has been working on devolved funds for the last five years. Using the Social Accountability model, we have sought to increase the levels of participation of citizens in the identification, prioritization, implementation, monitoring and auditing of projects funded by different devolved funds.

Policy Forum Asks The Parliament Not To Legislate CDF For Now

Submitted by Web Master on 5 August 2008

By Patrick Kisembo, Dodoma

The Policy Forum has said that the concept of Constituency Development Fund (CDF) which is intended to empower people at the grassroot level financially is a high risk for the government to undertake at the moment.

Members of various non-governmental organisations raised the concern in Dodoma yesterday during a debate that discussed the establishment of the fund.

Bunge Calls For Civil Society To Support The CDF

Submitted by Web Master on 17 July 2008

As part of the efforts to improve their representation of citizens and support for development, Members of Parliament have called upon the civil society sector to support the establishment of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) proposed by the government.

Members of Parliament were concerned when they learnt that some people, including the civil society had negative attitude towards the establishment of CDF since its initial proposal. They reminded civil society representatives that the initiative is aimed at benefiting people in their constituencies.

Tanzania Forest Working Group Launches Mama Misitu

Submitted by Web Master on 10 April 2008

Seventeen non-governmental organisations today signed a milestone agreement to launch the Mama Misitu campaign, aimed at tackling corruption and mismanagement in Tanzania’s forestry sector.

Professor Wangari Maathai, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace, formally launched the campaign in Dar es Salaam.

Annual General Meeting 2008

Submitted by Web Master on 9 April 2008

Policy Forum is holding its Annual General Meeting on the 10th and 11th of April at the White Sands Hotel. The Secretariat Office will be closed during this time and all enquiries should be sent to We apologise for any convenience this office closure may have caused.

Promoting Transparency & Accountability Of Revenue From Extractive Industries

Submitted by Web Master on 18 March 2008

Policy Forum (PF) was invited to attend a workshop on the promotion of transparency and accountability of revenue from the extractive industries (energy and minerals) hosted by the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and Revenue Watch (RW). We have reproduced hereunder what we observed and noted. Please treat these remarks with due caution, as they are merely indicative (and not authoritative) of what transpired.

Biofuels: A Solution To Tanzania’S Energy Crisis?

Submitted by Web Master on 16 January 2008

As the world faces an energy crisis due to limited oil reserves and a problem of climate change due to greenhouse emissions, increasingly, biofuels (fuel consisting of, or derived from biomass) are seen as the panacea to these two predicaments by providing an alternative to fossil fuels. Countries of the developed North and the corporate world has been at the forefront of pushing for this alternative which is seen as a win-win solution (i.e. energy security is enhanced whilst the environment is protected).

Peer-Learning And Network-Building: The East Africa Expenditure Tracking Conference

Submitted by Web Master on 14 November 2007

Over the past decade, civil society organizations (CSOs) in more than 60 countries have initiated activities to analyze their governments’ budgets. Initially, CSOs specialized in budget analysis and advocacy to influence national budget policy. However, as a broader range of CSOs undertake budget work, the scope of this work has expanded to include activities throughout the budget process, including budget implementation and assessing the impact of expenditures. 

Policy Forum Secretariat Annual Retreat

Submitted by Web Master on 2 November 2007

Policy Forum offices will be closed from Monday November 5th to Wednesday 7th November for our Annual Retreat. The office will be opened and resume regular activity and operations on Thurdsday 8th November 2007.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that this may cause. We encourage you all to send us any pressing/urgent matters to the PF Secretariat Office by end day today (Friday) by email (, phone or fax (2772611). All other matters will be addressed when our offices re-open on 8 November.

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