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Policy Forum’s Budget Working Group 2022/23 Pre-Budget Position Statement

Submitted by Web Master on 8 June 2022

This Pre-budget policy position paper from the Policy Forum (PF), a network of over 60 Tanzanian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) brought together by their interest in public money accountability, builds on previous efforts to contribute to the budget process, discourse and performance. Compiled by its Budget Working Group, this submission recognises the government’s quest to heal the Tanzanian economy from the scarring effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Budget Working Group’s 2023/24 Pre-Budget Statement: Securing Sustainable Development Through Budget Reliability and Fiscal Sustainability

Submitted by Web Master on 12 May 2023

It is our pleasure to present to you the analysis of the FY 2023/24 national budget. Policy Forum commends the government’s economic reforms aimed at promoting private sector-led growth and enhancing the business environment and emphasizes the importance of budget credibility in achieving sustainable development goals.

Education Sector: Is the Government Allocating Enough Money to Fund Its Strategic Objectives?

Submitted by Web Master on 2 February 2023

The Education Sector Budget is meant to provide funding for interventions aimed at achieving the overall vision of ensuring that Tanzanians are educated and have the knowledge, skills, competence, ability and positive attitude to contribute to the development of the nation. The budget is meant to fund implementation of the Third Education Sector Development Plan 2021/22 to 2025/26 (ESDP III), as well as education specific strategic goals from the Five-Year Development Plan 2021/22-2025/26.

Citizens' Budget Book: A simplified version of the government budget for the financial year 2022/23

Submitted by Web Master on 22 August 2022

The Citizen’s Budget booklet provides a summary of policies and plans reflected in the Government budget in a simplified form. This booklet aims to increase citizens’ awareness, access to budgetary information, transparency, and accountability in public finance management. The policies and plans reflected in the Government budget impact the lives of citizens and therefore it is important for them to understand and fully participate in the implementation of development plans.

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