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Submitted by Web Master on 15 August 2022
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Since the Tanzania Sustainable Development Platform (TSDP) was first convened in 2015, our mission has been to create a movement on SDGs in the Tanzania Civil Society Sector, by providing a platform for coordination, multi-stakeholders engagement, and experience sharing. Our goal is to ensure meaningful and impactful engagement and contribution of civil society organizations in the implementation, follow up and review of SDGs in Tanzania.

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania as the lead collaborator in the Voluntary National Review (VNR) process played a significant role in initiating the multi-stakeholders consultation process on the 2019 VNR that commenced in June 2018. The Tanzania Sustainable Development Platform (TSDP) being a member of the national VNR taskforce, has played a key role in ensuring that the contribution of CSOs is documented and integrated as part of the National VNR report; and the civil society report is annexed therein. We appreciate this partnership and involvement by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, and hope to move forward in this direction in the spirit of embracing the SDGs pillar of partnership at all levels.

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