The United Nations Association of Tanzania is one of the oldest Civil Society Organizations in the country registered in 1964. It’s office is located in Mikocheni street, Mikocheni B, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
The organization is entirely devoted to supporting the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, promoting public awareness and understanding of the activities of United Nations and its agencies. Moreover, it strives for the recognition of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms throughout the Tanzania and the World.
Our Mission is to carry out capacity building, education, advocacy, lobbying and activism activities to increase stakeholders’ influence and participation in implementing UN agenda in Tanzania.
We envision a strong peoples’ movement in support of ideals, principles and purposes of the United Nations in Tanzania.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
This program aims at effective and inclusive local implementation of the SDGs with adherence to the principles of Human Rights and Gender equality in Tanzania. UNA Tanzania has been playing a leading role in campaigning for SDGs awareness, implementation and stakeholders’ engagement. UNA Tanzania has worked in over 10 regions in the country, reaching out to Youth, Women and People with disabilities in carrying out capacity building and strengthening, education, advocacy and lobbying activities to increase stakeholders’ influence and participation in implementing the 2030 Agenda without Leaving No One Behind.
Youth Economic Rights and Decision Making
The current economic and social context in Tanzania today is creating very diverse challenges for young people. They are often the first to be affected by unemployment and discrimination. With increasing fragmentation and economic inequalities of our societies, there is a real risk of democratic disillusionment and social exclusion of young people. Accelerating Youth Participation in Decision making integrated livelihood empowerment programme seeks to achieve the active participation and autonomy of young people in peaceful and inclusive societies of Tanzania.
The Right(s) Way Forward
The Right(s) Way forward is developed to be a community based participatory tool that aims at empowering community members to analyze the community’s environmental degradations, gender inequalities, their use of and control over natural resources and to advocate for their rights. The tool is emphasizing community ownership of the process and creating a space for dialogue between rights holders and duty bearers to address the community’s concerns in a collaborative manner.