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Submitted by Web Master on 15 September 2023

Dodoma, Tanzania.

In a bid to revolutionize the landscape of inclusive education financing, stakeholders gathered today at the Morena Hotel in Dodoma for an enlightening event titled "Inclusive Education Financing: the Use of Data for Informed Decision Making."

This crucial gathering, held on September 14, 2023, served as a platform for exploring the transformative power of data-driven decision-making in the realm of inclusive education financing.

The agenda for the day was packed with insightful presentations on the "Stories from Rural Youth Collectives (RYCs)," offering a firsthand account of engagement in the project. Key interventions and lessons learned were discussed, with participants engaging in a plenary discussion to exchange ideas and insights.

The midday agenda delved into the significance of digital learning in relation to RYCs' experiences. Attendees explored learning outcomes and the role of RYCs, with a focus on linking them to create synergies that can drive progress in education.

The event also featured discussions on the Education Management Information System (EMIS) and its role in education financing. Key takeaways from these discussions were eagerly anticipated as the day progressed.

With a diverse lineup of speakers, including representatives from Policy Forum, the Rural Youth Collective, partners, and ministry officials, the event brought together voices from across the spectrum of inclusive education financing.

The event served as a testament to the collective commitment to advancing education accessibility and quality, leaving attendees with valuable insights and a renewed determination to harness data for informed decisions in the pursuit of inclusive education financing.