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Richard Angelo
Manager - Local Governance
Contact Info
+255 782 317 434
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Fundamentals of Social Accountability Monitoring, Rhodes University, South Africa

Richard Angelo is a graduate of the University of Dar es Salaam where he pursued Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and graduated in 2006, He previously worked at HakiElimu as an intern and later as a consultant at its media unit.He joined policy forum in 2008 as a Programme Assistant- Media, Communication & Advocacy and is currently the Manager for Local Governance. He is also an alumnus of the Public Service Accountability Monitor (Fundamentals of Social Accountability Monitoring Course) of Rhodes University, South Africa and has also attended Training of Trainers (ToT) on SAM. His interests are writing and social development.

Our primary goal in training councilors is for them to ensure that LGAs become and remain accountable to their constituents and communities in an informed and inclusive way