Social Accountability
Policy Forum in collaboration with Action Aid- Tanzania, Forum Syd, Public Service Accountability Monitor- A unit at Rhodes University in South Africa, MS-TCDC and SDC-Tanzania are planning to host a conference on Social Accountability from August 27th to 29th 2013 at in Dar es Salaam - Tanzania. The aim of the conference is to bring all Social Accountability practitioners together so as to share information and to dialogue on the best ways to monitor public resources for the interest of communities.
The conference will also be a platform for the practitioners to learn from one another on different ways of advocating for changes that lead to improved service delivery to the people and realize their social –economic and political rights. The conference will also give the practitioners an opportunity to learn more from other actors who use PETs as an approach in tracking public expenditure and to share on how the approach is integrated in the Social Accountability System. Furthermore the conference will give the practitioners an opportunity to engage with the people from the government and CSOs from SADC countries in defining better ways to strengthen the systems which will ensure effective accountability and transparency in enhancing provision of social services.
for more information and updates regarding the conference please contact: Prisca Kowa:
Administrative Documents:
Importance of Taking a Rights Based Approach to Delivering Public Services
Interrogating Social Accountability Systems in Tanzania
Importance of Rights Based Approach in Service Delivery
Social Accountability and Gender Mainstreaming
MobiSAM: Can mobile phones increase effective citizen participation in local government processes?
Presentation Summary:-How can CSO's and Government Collaborate Together to Enhance Good Governance and Accountability
How CSOs can institutionalize learning for organizational effectiveness?
Advocacy Techniques: HakiElimu's Experience
Every Step Counts: The Zimbabwe gender budgeting experience
Legislative Frameworks that promotes social accountability in Tanzania
Role of Oversight Bodies in Public Resource Management
Monitoring and Lesson Learning
Role of Media in Promoting Accountability
Presentation Summary: Monitoring Impact and Learning Lessons – Lessons from Actions for Democracy and local Governance (ADLG), Tanzania
Presentation Summary: Gender Responsive Budgeting
Presentation Summary: Building a Health System on People’s Power
Presentation Summary: Legislative frameworks to facilitate social/public accountability in the fulfilment of fundamental rights
Presentation Paper: The Importance of Taking Human Rights Based Approach to Delivering Public Services
Budget Execution and Service Delivery Barometer-Zambia
An Easy Look At Zambia’s Sixth National Development Plan 2011-2015
SAM Report:
Interrogating Social Accountability in Tanzania: A Case Study, click here to read the report.
Policy Forum Board Chairperson Speech
Deputy Minister-PMORALG Speech
Policy Forum's Documentary on Citizen's Participation in Improving Health Services
From the left: Policy Forum Board Chairperson, Aida Kiangi with the Deputy Minister of PMORALG
Participants at the international SAM Conference
Deputy Minister of PMORALG launching a report on Interrogating Social Accountability in Tanzania: A Case Study
Ally Lala from Mozambique presenting at the conference