Policy Forum Breakfast Debate
Dear All,
You are cordially invited to the 7:30 Breakfast Debate on Friday 26th February, 2016 on "Ending Poverty by Year 2030:The prospects and challenges". The main presentation will be made by Dr. Blandina Kilama, Senior Researcher, REPOA and Dr. Bitrina Diyamett, STIPRO Executive Director.
Click on the link below to see the invitation flyer:http://www.policyforum-tz.org/sites/default/files/policyflyerFeb2016.pdf
The debate will be held at the British Council Auditorium, Dar es Salaam from 0730am to 0930am.
Looking forward to it.
Alex Ruchyahinduru
Policy Forum
14 Sembeti Road
Off Old Bagamoyo Road.
Mikocheni B,
P.O Box 38486
Tel: +255 2780200
Mobile: +255 782 317434
Email: pa2@policyforum.or.tz
Website: www.policyforum.or.tz