Lindi Workshop - Social Accountability for Local Communities to Engage in Extractives Revenues
A workshop on Social Accountability for Local Communities to Engage in Extractives Revenues
The workshop will be conducted in Lindi starting from 22nd to 27th June 2015 and the participants expected are representatives from CSO/NGOs, Community members, VEOs/WEOs, media, religious leaders and representatives from district councils.
This event is part of broader strategic work aimed to achieve the following objectives:
- Equip community, local CSOs, CBOs and Councillors in Mtwara and Lindi with the baseline knowledge, intellectual resources, and training to effectively oversee the local government authority’s collection and management of the Service Levy.
- To orient community, local CSOs, CBOs and councillors on Social Accountability Monitoring as a tool for Public Resource Management
- Promote alliances between local CSOs, CBOs, Councillors and Local Authorities.
- To promote exchanges between legislators from different councils to create a flow of information and ideas about improving accountable local governance with regards to extractives revenues management
- Conducting Social Accountability Monitoring by examining five major processes for public resource management and its application in revenues from the gas sub-sector in Mtwara and Lindi:
Process 1: Planning and Resource Allocation
Process 2: Expenditure Management
Process 3: Performance Management
Process 4: Public Integrity
Process 5: Oversight
Other partners involved in supporting this include TEITI, OSIEA, NRGI and Oxfam.
For more information, please email: